all postcodes in B37 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B37 5SB 3 0 52.476073 -1.740231
B37 5SD 15 0 52.476718 -1.739315
B37 5SH 6 0 52.469993 -1.751896
B37 5SJ 17 0 52.477628 -1.740148
B37 5SL 41 0 52.474371 -1.743053
B37 5TB 58 0 52.480094 -1.737542
B37 5TD 59 1 52.479394 -1.738121
B37 5TH 1 1 52.480892 -1.740321
B37 5TL 21 16 52.47926 -1.739999
B37 5TP 5 3 52.480004 -1.738773
B37 5TR 3 2 52.47991 -1.73962
B37 5TS 28 16 52.48032 -1.739625
B37 5TT 3 2 52.480332 -1.739249
B37 5TU 2 2 52.479474 -1.738967
B37 5TX 9 7 52.479028 -1.739272
B37 5UB 1 1 52.481127 -1.74135
B37 5UH 2 2 52.479474 -1.738967
B37 5JS 5 2 52.475224 -1.755371
B37 5PG 52 0 52.475174 -1.744491
B37 5JY 59 0 52.474851 -1.757876