all postcodes in B38 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B38 9NE 40 1 52.403126 -1.922642
B38 9NG 53 0 52.402145 -1.9211
B38 9NH 18 0 52.40274 -1.922936
B38 9NJ 8 0 52.402274 -1.924686
B38 9NN 42 0 52.402733 -1.925347
B38 9NY 66 0 52.406872 -1.917961
B38 9PA 38 0 52.405901 -1.918315
B38 9PB 53 0 52.405858 -1.9198
B38 9PD 44 0 52.403557 -1.921274
B38 9PE 31 0 52.403998 -1.92142
B38 9PG 26 0 52.404742 -1.923382
B38 9PH 29 0 52.40426 -1.923698
B38 9PJ 3 3 52.405973 -1.922997
B38 9PL 7 2 52.407504 -1.921708
B38 9PT 11 11 52.407589 -1.920231
B38 9QA 34 0 52.399884 -1.926792
B38 9QB 18 0 52.400297 -1.9271
B38 9QD 29 0 52.400064 -1.928129
B38 9QF 10 0 52.397648 -1.930823
B38 9QG 28 0 52.398879 -1.929748