all postcodes in B5 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B5 5SR 7 3 52.476328 -1.884234
B5 5SS 1 1 52.47622 -1.883822
B5 5ST 3 0 52.47578 -1.884427
B5 5SU 1 1 52.475457 -1.885753
B5 5TE 1 1 52.477341 -1.890945
B5 5TH 61 8 52.477386 -1.890563
B5 5TJ 1 1 52.477547 -1.889797
B5 5TL 2 1 52.475841 -1.886307
B5 5TP 4 4 52.476797 -1.885573
B5 5TR 2 1 52.476604 -1.884965
B5 5JU 1 1 52.481921 -1.888824
B5 5JE 87 2 52.481422 -1.890037
B5 5JF 89 0 52.481422 -1.890037
B5 5JL 72 0 52.481601 -1.88933
B5 5JN 95 0 52.481601 -1.88933
B5 5JR 595 0 52.482697 -1.888282
B5 5RT 6 52.479086 -1.882902
B5 5JT 1 1 52.481045 -1.890612
B5 5RE 1 0 52.479872 -1.886669
B5 5JP 5 0 52.481655 -1.889227