all postcodes in B6 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B6 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B6 6PG 26 0 52.510351 -1.890083
B6 6PJ 53 0 52.511025 -1.889079
B6 6PL 53 0 52.51195 -1.888797
B6 6PN 38 0 52.511779 -1.887943
B6 6PP 17 0 52.511257 -1.887635
B6 6PS 7 0 52.51106 -1.888357
B6 6PT 5 0 52.511527 -1.887782
B6 6QA 2 1 52.507231 -1.880146
B6 6QB 7 0 52.507787 -1.881849
B6 6QE 5 2 52.51184 -1.885939
B6 6QN 11 1 52.512183 -1.887485
B6 6QP 11 0 52.512525 -1.888457
B6 6QR 3 0 52.512413 -1.886507
B6 6QT 20 1 52.511802 -1.884524
B6 6QU 10 0 52.511946 -1.88417
B6 6QX 6 0 52.511317 -1.884599
B6 6QY 4 0 52.510792 -1.883962
B6 6QZ 14 0 52.510408 -1.883836
B6 6RA 15 1 52.511451 -1.88345
B6 6RB 38 0 52.510631 -1.88164