all postcodes in B60 / BROMSGROVE

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B60 4DG 15 0 52.295877 -2.085836
B60 4DH 6 1 52.263396 -2.045164
B60 4DJ 47 40 52.299844 -2.075411
B60 4DN 7 3 52.307646 -2.078197
B60 4DP 5 0 52.304583 -2.080984
B60 4DR 18 0 52.304285 -2.08223
B60 4DS 3 0 52.304131 -2.08374
B60 4DT 24 0 52.302842 -2.088006
B60 4DU 3 1 52.302033 -2.094392
B60 4DW 4 0 52.31101 -2.075196
B60 4DX 23 0 52.301234 -2.087108
B60 4DY 28 0 52.300704 -2.08611
B60 4DZ 30 0 52.29967 -2.086474
B60 4EA 4 3 52.296381 -2.084268
B60 4EB 31 0 52.299006 -2.085109
B60 4ED 14 9 52.298142 -2.086119
B60 4EE 1 0 52.297415 -2.084827
B60 4EF 4 0 52.29736 -2.085282
B60 4EG 9 0 52.296228 -2.085192
B60 4EH 16 0 52.294789 -2.085966