all postcodes in B62 / CRADLEY HEATH

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B62 0NP 0 52.436524 -2.062119
B62 0NQ 0 52.421583 -2.089242
B62 0NT 0 52.417782 -2.057711
B62 0NU 3 52.417845 -2.058519
B62 0NW 0 52.433695 -2.073337
B62 0NX 1 52.418194 -2.060387
B62 0NY 0 52.416504 -2.060767
B62 0NZ 0 52.415623 -2.06006
B62 0PA 0 52.417269 -2.058283
B62 0PB 0 52.41584 -2.058531
B62 0PD 0 52.41432 -2.059132
B62 0PE 0 52.414724 -2.060177
B62 0PF 0 52.41731 -2.059395
B62 0PG 1 52.41716 -2.061915
B62 0PH 0 52.424743 -2.083175
B62 0PJ 0 52.416287 -2.063707
B62 0PL 0 52.41511 -2.061647
B62 0PN 0 52.414068 -2.060632
B62 0PP 0 52.413655 -2.058793
B62 0PQ 0 52.416771 -2.065546