all postcodes in B63 / HALESOWEN

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B63 1JR 13 0 52.440205 -2.08033
B63 1JS 31 0 52.442823 -2.081547
B63 1JT 45 0 52.443999 -2.079748
B63 1JU 24 0 52.443235 -2.0796
B63 1JW 23 0 52.439124 -2.082652
B63 1JX 23 0 52.443478 -2.07938
B63 1JY 7 0 52.440772 -2.079331
B63 1JZ 28 0 52.440286 -2.079139
B63 1LB 1 1 52.468752 -2.045839
B63 1LG 8 0 52.439745 -2.082698
B63 1YQ 1 1 52.468752 -2.045839
B63 1FD 1 0 52.43906 -2.084932
B63 1EU 13 0 52.440076 -2.070665
B63 2AD 54 0 52.455355 -2.076767
B63 2AE 1 0 52.45638 -2.077711
B63 2AF 7 0 52.4569 -2.078771
B63 2AG 18 0 52.456971 -2.080964
B63 2AH 1 1 52.457813 -2.076674
B63 2AJ 9 0 52.457082 -2.07624
B63 2AL 10 0 52.457245 -2.074519