all postcodes in B64 / CRADLEY HEATH

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B64 7DP 10 0 52.464457 -2.075817
B64 7DR 18 0 52.465137 -2.076004
B64 7DS 12 0 52.46485 -2.075165
B64 7DT 6 0 52.464691 -2.074832
B64 7DU 3 0 52.464557 -2.074508
B64 7DW 6 5 52.4642 -2.078681
B64 7DX 5 0 52.465168 -2.074288
B64 7DY 37 0 52.468433 -2.072129
B64 7DZ 46 0 52.46945 -2.070482
B64 7EA 15 1 52.466381 -2.075983
B64 7EB 47 1 52.467622 -2.075367
B64 7ED 12 0 52.468441 -2.074161
B64 7EE 32 0 52.470503 -2.068188
B64 7EF 70 0 52.469944 -2.07119
B64 7EG 57 1 52.46898 -2.075016
B64 7EH 24 0 52.46863 -2.072601
B64 7EJ 4 0 52.468819 -2.073175
B64 7EL 51 0 52.469924 -2.074561
B64 7EN 39 0 52.469697 -2.072729
B64 7EP 9 4 52.468637 -2.076693