all postcodes in B67 / SMETHWICK

find any address or company within the B67 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B67 7PG 66 1 52.497814 -1.977449
B67 7PH 14 0 52.4967 -1.980101
B67 7PJ 17 0 52.496133 -1.979895
B67 7PL 46 0 52.496673 -1.97879
B67 7PN 46 0 52.497544 -1.977036
B67 7PP 5 0 52.497418 -1.97496
B67 7PQ 45 0 52.497014 -1.978922
B67 7PR 8 0 52.497625 -1.975593
B67 7PS 6 0 52.49722 -1.975166
B67 7PT 37 1 52.49705 -1.976477
B67 7PU 36 0 52.496834 -1.976286
B67 7PW 41 0 52.497392 -1.976757
B67 7PX 1 0 52.496529 -1.977641
B67 7PY 45 0 52.496088 -1.97795
B67 7PZ 21 0 52.495522 -1.978849
B67 7QA 8 0 52.496097 -1.979026
B67 7QB 12 0 52.495531 -1.979821
B67 7QD 6 0 52.495503 -1.975771
B67 7QG 14 1 52.495828 -1.98097
B67 7QH 16 0 52.494857 -1.978614