all postcodes in B68 / OLDBURY

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B68 8JL 0 52.492782 -2.001989
B68 8JP 0 52.493582 -2.001061
B68 8JQ 1 52.493915 -2.003182
B68 8JR 0 52.493492 -2.002166
B68 8JS 0 52.492998 -2.005391
B68 8JT 0 52.492593 -2.004772
B68 8LA 3 52.487645 -2.011569
B68 8LD 3 52.487037 -2.010972
B68 8LE 0 52.486207 -2.01316
B68 8LF 0 52.486084 -2.012635
B68 8LG 0 52.485032 -2.0129
B68 8LJ 5 52.484564 -2.014697
B68 8LQ 2 52.484834 -2.015241
B68 8LR 1 52.488241 -2.01137
B68 8LS 7 52.483278 -2.016493
B68 8LT 2 52.483422 -2.016875
B68 8LU 2 52.482532 -2.017862
B68 8LX 3 52.482289 -2.019673
B68 8LY 2 52.482278 -2.016236
B68 8LZ 1 52.481489 -2.016418