all postcodes in B68 / OLDBURY

find any address or company within the B68 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B68 8RP 0 52.489312 -2.006142
B68 8RQ 0 52.488251 -2.008586
B68 8RR 0 52.487235 -2.006554
B68 8RS 0 52.488862 -2.009028
B68 8RT 0 52.489608 -2.005214
B68 8RW 0 52.490004 -2.007438
B68 8RY 0 52.495722 -2.002593
B68 8RZ 0 52.496279 -2.002092
B68 8SA 0 52.496863 -2.001577
B68 8SB 0 52.49547 -2.00112
B68 8SD 0 52.49645 -2.000811
B68 8SE 0 52.497076 -2.000392
B68 8SF 2 52.497094 -1.99939
B68 8SG 3 52.496393 -1.999656
B68 8SH 1 52.494832 -2.000074
B68 8SJ 0 52.495326 -1.9995
B68 8SL 1 52.496666 -1.999014
B68 8SP 1 52.498374 -1.996392
B68 8SQ 1 52.495578 -2.000015
B68 8SR 0 52.498059 -1.997673