all postcodes in B6 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B6 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B6 6LN 40 0 52.509387 -1.896966
B6 6LP 43 0 52.509188 -1.896009
B6 6LR 40 0 52.509376 -1.894977
B6 6LS 2 0 52.508336 -1.892087
B6 6LT 30 1 52.508026 -1.892991
B6 6LU 62 0 52.507226 -1.893362
B6 6LW 24 0 52.508592 -1.896624
B6 6LX 32 0 52.50738 -1.894717
B6 6LZ 24 0 52.506517 -1.894778
B6 6NA 1 0 52.506347 -1.895736
B6 6NB 42 0 52.507067 -1.896397
B6 6ND 36 0 52.507456 -1.899019
B6 6NE 37 0 52.507761 -1.899254
B6 6NG 39 0 52.507354 -1.896411
B6 6NH 56 0 52.508109 -1.895967
B6 6NS 19 4 52.511032 -1.887341
B6 6NT 29 5 52.509988 -1.888856
B6 6NU 24 3 52.508904 -1.890617
B6 6NX 25 4 52.508761 -1.891398
B6 6PA 1 1 52.509408 -1.890645