all postcodes in B6 / BIRMINGHAM

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B6 5SH 3 1 52.501228 -1.876946
B6 5SN 5 5 52.501856 -1.875825
B6 5SR 1 1 52.502891 -1.873028
B6 5SX 1 1 52.504157 -1.872243
B6 5SY 22 0 52.502489 -1.876004
B6 5TG 3 3 52.500699 -1.874654
B6 5TH 7 5 52.499827 -1.878143
B6 5TJ 3 1 52.500375 -1.878098
B6 5TP 12 8 52.500996 -1.875007
B6 5TS 3 1 52.501702 -1.874249
B6 5TW 1 1 52.501066 -1.88196
B6 5TY 4 2 52.502262 -1.873869
B6 5UE 23 0 52.503039 -1.877506
B6 5UG 35 2 52.50241 -1.877507
B6 5UH 31 1 52.503685 -1.879429
B6 5UJ 26 0 52.502846 -1.881498
B6 5UL 29 0 52.503258 -1.880731
B6 5UP 20 3 52.503316 -1.875236
B6 5UQ 1 1 52.504484 -1.877688
B6 5SU 1 1 52.499502 -1.88273