all postcodes in B70 / WEST BROMWICH

find any address or company within the B70 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B70 0LX 22 0 52.536585 -2.023673
B70 0LY 4 0 52.537115 -2.023172
B70 0LZ 10 0 52.537154 -2.021791
B70 0NA 16 0 52.536992 -2.020906
B70 0NB 13 0 52.536237 -2.019992
B70 0ND 12 0 52.536576 -2.021328
B70 0NE 16 0 52.536606 -2.022322
B70 0NF 16 0 52.535758 -2.023259
B70 0NG 8 1 52.534475 -2.021819
B70 0NH 16 0 52.535221 -2.02381
B70 0NJ 27 0 52.534573 -2.024502
B70 0NL 9 0 52.534672 -2.0235
B70 0NP 2 2 52.529817 -2.015885
B70 0NQ 5 0 52.535248 -2.020655
B70 0NR 1 1 52.529181 -2.012958
B70 0NS 10 4 52.529155 -2.010422
B70 0NU 10 10 52.528145 -2.010534
B70 0NY 4 1 52.528226 -2.010696
B70 0PA 43 0 52.531258 -2.010039
B70 0PB 33 0 52.532274 -2.010615