all postcodes in B71 / WEST BROMWICH

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B71 3SD 15 0 52.540209 -1.971942
B71 3SF 19 0 52.539743 -1.975437
B71 3SG 11 0 52.539428 -1.97526
B71 3SH 36 0 52.54119 -1.973977
B71 3SJ 15 0 52.541666 -1.973637
B71 3SL 15 0 52.541918 -1.972856
B71 3SN 28 0 52.54092 -1.971927
B71 3SQ 9 0 52.538942 -1.974612
B71 3SU 4 1 52.540685 -1.970188
B71 3SW 26 0 52.541279 -1.972414
B71 3SX 2 1 52.535801 -1.968018
B71 3SY 1 0 52.533591 -1.963912
B71 3SZ 3 1 52.532511 -1.959638
B71 3TA 5 0 52.540398 -1.971058
B71 3TB 15 0 52.541054 -1.971382
B71 3TD 11 0 52.540829 -1.97088
B71 3TE 36 0 52.541908 -1.971101
B71 3JP 16 0 52.547215 -1.991934
B71 3NL 0 52.545047 -1.974903
B71 3NN 0 52.545082 -1.974225