all postcodes in B73 / SUTTON COLDFIELD

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B73 9JZ 1 1 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9NZ 1 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9PN 1 1 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9PT 1 1 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9PZ 1 0 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9QG 1 1 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9QT 1 1 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9QW 1 0 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9QY 1 1 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9RE 1 1 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9RU 1 52.568657 -1.82916
B73 9SB 1 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9SF 1 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9SH 0 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9SL 1 1 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9SN 1 1 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9TB 1 1 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9TD 1 1 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9TG 1 0 52.568642 -1.829167
B73 9TJ 1 1 52.568642 -1.829167