all postcodes in B79 / TAMWORTH

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B79 7AF 4 2 52.635794 -1.694456
B79 7AL 9 5 52.635 -1.693309
B79 7AN 30 1 52.635152 -1.692997
B79 7AP 1 1 52.635736 -1.692624
B79 7AS 13 11 52.635883 -1.694315
B79 7AT 14 11 52.635316 -1.693876
B79 7AU 11 0 52.634931 -1.694417
B79 7AX 9 8 52.634732 -1.693709
B79 7BA 8 5 52.634515 -1.693386
B79 7BB 1 1 52.635752 -1.691959
B79 7BD 4 4 52.6358 -1.69317
B79 7BE 58 0 52.633683 -1.698238
B79 7BG 58 0 52.633243 -1.698729
B79 7BH 40 1 52.632337 -1.699518
B79 7BJ 58 0 52.633175 -1.700325
B79 7BL 59 1 52.632576 -1.701659
B79 7BN 58 0 52.633097 -1.701271
B79 7BQ 58 0 52.633245 -1.699497
B79 7BW 18 0 52.633251 -1.70195
B79 7BX 5 5 52.634111 -1.693714