all postcodes in B93 / SOLIHULL

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B93 0JE 28 1 52.389316 -1.730792
B93 0JF 5 0 52.391112 -1.726065
B93 0JG 14 0 52.38855 -1.730298
B93 0JJ 10 1 52.386459 -1.724139
B93 0JL 2 0 52.38489 -1.723009
B93 0JP 6 0 52.388016 -1.728508
B93 0JQ 9 0 52.387496 -1.729305
B93 0JR 18 0 52.386844 -1.731101
B93 0JU 14 12 52.389434 -1.735435
B93 0JX 13 0 52.389564 -1.737168
B93 0LE 28 15 52.389499 -1.736258
B93 0LF 22 7 52.390054 -1.736716
B93 0LJ 1 1 52.388119 -1.734561
B93 0LL 50 19 52.389973 -1.735388
B93 0LN 18 14 52.388523 -1.734353
B93 0LU 4 0 52.387766 -1.733461
B93 0LX 5 1 52.386549 -1.733108
B93 0LY 28 22 52.387669 -1.734094
B93 0NA 24 12 52.388444 -1.73503
B93 0NH 39 4 52.388805 -1.736973