all postcodes in B97 / STUDLEY

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Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B97 9QF 1 1 52.3119 -1.937607
B97 9QG 1 1 52.3119 -1.937607
B97 9SS 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9ST 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9SU 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9SW 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9SX 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9SY 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9SZ 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9TA 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9TD 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9TE 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9TF 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9TG 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9TH 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9TJ 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9TL 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9TN 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9TP 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188
B97 9TQ 1 1 52.305157 -1.938188