all postcodes in B9 / BIRMINGHAM

find any address or company within the B9 postcode district

Postcode Area

B / Birmingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
B9 4LJ 12 0 52.479418 -1.872771
B9 4LN 15 7 52.478169 -1.873364
B9 4LS 23 1 52.477798 -1.871112
B9 4LW 8 2 52.477737 -1.873026
B9 4NA 2 1 52.476544 -1.870757
B9 4NB 37 0 52.476324 -1.872044
B9 4NG 1 1 52.476457 -1.869909
B9 4NH 1 1 52.476284 -1.867907
B9 4NJ 36 0 52.476976 -1.86817
B9 4NL 42 0 52.477237 -1.868125
B9 4NS 1 0 52.476719 -1.862988
B9 4NT 1 1 52.476484 -1.86212
B9 4NU 9 0 52.476026 -1.862519
B9 4NW 40 0 52.480528 -1.868454
B9 4NX 6 0 52.475875 -1.864242
B9 4NY 40 0 52.475427 -1.86548
B9 4NZ 18 9 52.477767 -1.862936
B9 4PA 17 0 52.476191 -1.864948
B9 4PE 1 1 52.47506 -1.866762
B9 4PG 30 0 52.47955 -1.870326