all postcodes in BB10 / BURNLEY

find any address or company within the BB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB10 3PR 21 0 53.789885 -2.186845
BB10 3PS 32 0 53.78903 -2.18757
BB10 3PT 8 0 53.787584 -2.18729
BB10 3PU 18 0 53.789064 -2.189255
BB10 3PW 1 0 53.80026 -2.190991
BB10 3PX 6 0 53.788759 -2.188646
BB10 3PY 1 1 53.787073 -2.191993
BB10 3PZ 2 0 53.798831 -2.209796
BB10 3QA 10 0 53.814029 -2.196612
BB10 3QB 5 0 53.813914 -2.195958
BB10 3QD 1 0 53.813994 -2.196035
BB10 3QE 5 0 53.817594 -2.198558
BB10 3QF 4 0 53.819765 -2.201059
BB10 3QG 7 0 53.813222 -2.195925
BB10 3QH 18 0 53.813681 -2.195183
BB10 3QL 7 0 53.81542 -2.192472
BB10 3QN 14 0 53.815469 -2.190316
BB10 3QP 15 0 53.816503 -2.189561
BB10 3QQ 16 0 53.809669 -2.191762
BB10 3QR 9 0 53.822512 -2.191988