all postcodes in BB1 / BLACKBURN

find any address or company within the BB1 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB1 1DJ 4 4 53.743652 -2.478013
BB1 1DL 38 0 53.746996 -2.472696
BB1 1DN 48 0 53.744524 -2.472547
BB1 1DQ 8 0 53.743692 -2.472509
BB1 1DR 8 0 53.74722 -2.471184
BB1 1DS 4 0 53.746754 -2.475364
BB1 1DT 12 0 53.746823 -2.471513
BB1 1DU 19 0 53.747415 -2.471854
BB1 1DW 4 2 53.746917 -2.470514
BB1 1DY 21 0 53.746698 -2.473726
BB1 1DZ 4 0 53.745182 -2.47057
BB1 1EB 18 0 53.743043 -2.4767
BB1 1ED 9 0 53.743064 -2.474352
BB1 1EE 9 0 53.742742 -2.474076
BB1 1EF 9 0 53.741368 -2.476001
BB1 1EG 15 7 53.745718 -2.475305
BB1 1EH 26 0 53.744227 -2.471166
BB1 1EJ 20 0 53.744178 -2.469998
BB1 1EL 11 0 53.743884 -2.471496
BB1 1EN 16 0 53.744793 -2.471339