all postcodes in BB2 / BLACKBURN

find any address or company within the BB2 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB2 2SW 48 0 53.74254 -2.505686
BB2 2SX 41 1 53.739149 -2.506358
BB2 2SY 9 0 53.738989 -2.508039
BB2 2TA 10 7 53.738268 -2.510089
BB2 2TB 45 0 53.739238 -2.508769
BB2 2TD 38 1 53.739911 -2.506837
BB2 2TE 10 0 53.740515 -2.506511
BB2 2TF 4 1 53.740654 -2.506919
BB2 2TG 12 0 53.740517 -2.506041
BB2 2TH 64 0 53.738938 -2.505249
BB2 2TJ 10 0 53.738309 -2.505105
BB2 2TL 10 0 53.738452 -2.505409
BB2 2TN 23 0 53.738457 -2.508396
BB2 2TP 4 4 53.741343 -2.518223
BB2 2TQ 26 0 53.739606 -2.506757
BB2 2TR 8 0 53.737102 -2.514353
BB2 2TW 20 0 53.738134 -2.508423
BB2 2TX 16 0 53.736506 -2.516953
BB2 2TY 34 0 53.735573 -2.516563
BB2 2TZ 36 1 53.735542 -2.51538