all postcodes in BB5 / ACCRINGTON

find any address or company within the BB5 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB5 4LQ 18 9 53.7542 -2.392429
BB5 4LR 4 0 53.751516 -2.41544
BB5 4LS 1 1 53.754313 -2.412328
BB5 4LU 15 0 53.749775 -2.411904
BB5 4LW 10 0 53.754012 -2.389364
BB5 4LX 21 0 53.749813 -2.410706
BB5 4LY 36 1 53.750261 -2.411818
BB5 4LZ 45 4 53.750257 -2.410408
BB5 4NA 68 3 53.75052 -2.409713
BB5 4NB 31 0 53.749835 -2.410358
BB5 4ND 9 0 53.749165 -2.409214
BB5 4NE 7 0 53.750008 -2.409511
BB5 4NF 27 0 53.748686 -2.408906
BB5 4NG 27 0 53.749583 -2.407838
BB5 4NH 10 0 53.74924 -2.408032
BB5 4NJ 26 0 53.74947 -2.411901
BB5 4NL 26 0 53.748962 -2.410653
BB5 4NN 66 0 53.74836 -2.408024
BB5 4NP 36 0 53.746851 -2.407751
BB5 4NQ 43 0 53.750142 -2.404629