all postcodes in BB5 / ACCRINGTON

find any address or company within the BB5 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB5 9SF 1 1 53.75006 -2.368764
BB5 9SG 1 1 53.75006 -2.368764
BB5 9AH 1 1 53.753701 -2.362548
BB5 9AX 1 53.753716 -2.362547
BB5 9BJ 1 1 53.753701 -2.362548
BB5 9DA 1 1 53.753701 -2.362548
BB5 9DD 1 0 53.753701 -2.362548
BB5 9DN 1 0 53.753701 -2.362548
BB5 9DQ 1 0 53.753701 -2.362548
BB5 9FA 1 1 53.753701 -2.362548
BB5 9ZZ 1 1 53.753701 -2.362548
BB5 9FD 1 1 53.753701 -2.362548
BB5 9FE 1 1 53.753716 -2.362547