all postcodes in BB9 / NELSON

find any address or company within the BB9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB9 0PF 23 0 53.835605 -2.199008
BB9 0PG 4 0 53.833785 -2.196583
BB9 0PH 27 0 53.824162 -2.220312
BB9 0PJ 16 0 53.824128 -2.219507
BB9 0PL 6 0 53.824787 -2.218113
BB9 0PN 41 0 53.825507 -2.217448
BB9 0PP 34 0 53.824012 -2.219126
BB9 0PQ 3 3 53.83403 -2.211004
BB9 0PR 8 1 53.826397 -2.222238
BB9 0QG 32 0 53.826589 -2.220158
BB9 0PS 11 0 53.826052 -2.219243
BB9 0PT 5 0 53.82536 -2.219012
BB9 0PU 3 0 53.825648 -2.218831
BB9 0PW 30 0 53.824104 -2.218048
BB9 0PX 15 0 53.826125 -2.218682
BB9 0PY 6 1 53.827533 -2.217946
BB9 0QA 7 0 53.827224 -2.217351
BB9 0QB 10 1 53.82798 -2.216625
BB9 0QD 76 0 53.82702 -2.215921
BB9 0QE 19 0 53.826946 -2.216665