all postcodes in BB9 / NELSON

find any address or company within the BB9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB9 6BG 6 0 53.863284 -2.206605
BB9 6BH 27 0 53.859491 -2.206921
BB9 6BL 5 0 53.862176 -2.20809
BB9 6BQ 25 0 53.862937 -2.2049
BB9 6BU 3 0 53.838331 -2.228198
BB9 6BX 26 0 53.838887 -2.228702
BB9 6BY 16 0 53.83907 -2.227214
BB9 6BZ 2 0 53.839798 -2.229681
BB9 6DA 34 0 53.839292 -2.228279
BB9 6DD 49 0 53.839756 -2.228131
BB9 6DE 33 1 53.84017 -2.227692
BB9 6DG 7 0 53.840267 -2.226065
BB9 6DH 18 0 53.840823 -2.226615
BB9 6DJ 16 0 53.840957 -2.227011
BB9 6DL 6 0 53.841099 -2.227894
BB9 6DN 12 0 53.842847 -2.223908
BB9 6DP 15 0 53.841832 -2.225527
BB9 6DQ 30 0 53.841622 -2.227425
BB9 6DR 13 0 53.842065 -2.225771
BB9 6DT 12 1 53.851364 -2.216033