all postcodes in BB9 / NELSON

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Postcode Area

BB / Blackburn

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BB9 7BD 5 0 53.834973 -2.224017
BB9 7BG 15 0 53.834755 -2.227373
BB9 7BH 10 0 53.835813 -2.228883
BB9 7BJ 10 0 53.835641 -2.229353
BB9 7BL 10 0 53.83564 -2.229657
BB9 7BN 18 0 53.835974 -2.229203
BB9 7BP 17 0 53.834025 -2.22354
BB9 7BS 23 1 53.833613 -2.222793
BB9 7BU 24 0 53.833682 -2.224313
BB9 7BW 2 0 53.834526 -2.222906
BB9 7BX 2 0 53.834037 -2.225015
BB9 7BY 22 0 53.833637 -2.224677
BB9 7BZ 28 0 53.832828 -2.224399
BB9 7DA 1 1 53.833303 -2.225359
BB9 7DB 31 0 53.832831 -2.223108
BB9 7DD 10 0 53.831894 -2.224151
BB9 7DE 23 1 53.831415 -2.225729
BB9 7DG 24 0 53.830888 -2.226442
BB9 7DH 24 0 53.831665 -2.226292
BB9 7DJ 17 0 53.831919 -2.225397