all postcodes in BD1 / BRADFORD

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Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD1 1QA 1 1 53.79473 -1.753202
BD1 1QB 5 5 53.794881 -1.752442
BD1 1QD 2 2 53.794906 -1.752597
BD1 1QL 5 4 53.795079 -1.752532
BD1 1QN 1 1 53.795009 -1.753049
BD1 1QP 9 7 53.795207 -1.754933
BD1 1QQ 1 1 53.802636 -1.755843
BD1 1QR 18 13 53.794771 -1.755555
BD1 1QX 7 7 53.794742 -1.754735
BD1 1QS 1 0 53.794256 -1.754101
BD1 1QT 11 6 53.794598 -1.754554
BD1 1QU 5 3 53.795022 -1.755356
BD1 1QY 5 3 53.794824 -1.755069
BD1 1RA 2 1 53.794603 -1.753905
BD1 1RB 2 1 53.794522 -1.753844
BD1 1RD 1 1 53.794344 -1.753402
BD1 1RE 4 3 53.794235 -1.752628
BD1 1RJ 3 3 53.793859 -1.753647
BD1 1RU 5 4 53.793526 -1.753406
BD1 1RX 1 1 53.793436 -1.753316