all postcodes in BD1 / BRADFORD

find any address or company within the BD1 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD1 5HW 2 2 53.795134 -1.741575
BD1 5HZ 1 1 53.795588 -1.742252
BD1 5JA 8 6 53.795698 -1.740645
BD1 5LD 12 12 53.791564 -1.747544
BD1 5LL 3 3 53.791653 -1.744571
BD1 5LQ 1 0 53.791641 -1.743008
BD1 5ND 8 8 53.789969 -1.741406
BD1 5NE 1 0 53.794801 -1.748238
BD1 5PS 2 2 53.794026 -1.747468
BD1 5RJ 1 1 53.802636 -1.755843
BD1 5RL 2 2 53.790678 -1.753636
BD1 5RQ 1 0 53.802228 -1.75588
BD1 5RZ 1 1 53.802636 -1.755843
BD1 5SD 2 2 53.791633 -1.752328
BD1 5SG 1 0 53.791197 -1.752616
BD1 5SH 1 1 53.79195 -1.751594
BD1 5UH 1 1 53.802228 -1.75588
BD1 5UL 1 1 53.802636 -1.755843
BD1 5UQ 1 1 53.802636 -1.755843
BD1 5UR 1 1 53.802636 -1.755843