all postcodes in BD10 / BRADFORD

find any address or company within the BD10 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD10 9NH 11 0 53.832733 -1.729124
BD10 9NS 12 0 53.83327 -1.728057
BD10 9NT 12 0 53.833742 -1.718238
BD10 9PA 2 0 53.833245 -1.730264
BD10 9PB 24 8 53.834084 -1.730376
BD10 9PD 4 0 53.834723 -1.730752
BD10 9PE 9 2 53.834247 -1.73074
BD10 9PF 6 0 53.834578 -1.73013
BD10 9PH 7 0 53.834122 -1.731136
BD10 9PJ 10 0 53.834363 -1.730177
BD10 9PL 41 1 53.834716 -1.731512
BD10 9PP 8 2 53.834759 -1.730691
BD10 9PQ 21 0 53.833403 -1.731277
BD10 9PR 16 5 53.835218 -1.730962
BD10 9PS 2 0 53.835631 -1.730868
BD10 9PT 24 10 53.835307 -1.730308
BD10 9PX 2 1 53.834917 -1.730239
BD10 9PY 32 14 53.834728 -1.728929
BD10 9QE 4 4 53.834562 -1.727076
BD10 9RD 15 2 53.835596 -1.727267