all postcodes in BD13 / BRADFORD

find any address or company within the BD13 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD13 3JR 3 0 53.790284 -1.853607
BD13 3JS 8 0 53.790284 -1.853911
BD13 3JT 6 1 53.790049 -1.852925
BD13 3JW 18 0 53.790375 -1.854776
BD13 3JX 12 3 53.790064 -1.849995
BD13 3JY 6 0 53.790147 -1.851847
BD13 3JZ 2 0 53.78981 -1.851638
BD13 3LA 7 0 53.790479 -1.851421
BD13 3LB 3 0 53.790146 -1.851589
BD13 3LD 4 4 53.7902 -1.851209
BD13 3LE 3 0 53.789793 -1.849328
BD13 3LF 1 1 53.790402 -1.847444
BD13 3LG 1 1 53.790483 -1.847292
BD13 3LH 9 0 53.790566 -1.849599
BD13 3LL 9 0 53.789847 -1.848873
BD13 3LN 6 0 53.790137 -1.846582
BD13 3LP 12 1 53.790445 -1.846062
BD13 3LQ 17 0 53.790549 -1.849887
BD13 3LS 7 0 53.789924 -1.846535
BD13 3LT 8 1 53.790669 -1.845409