all postcodes in BD14 / BRADFORD

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Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD14 6JT 21 0 53.780906 -1.818417
BD14 6JU 4 0 53.782297 -1.811217
BD14 6JW 6 0 53.778939 -1.815636
BD14 6JX 5 2 53.777239 -1.812651
BD14 6JY 17 0 53.780215 -1.812881
BD14 6JZ 23 0 53.77982 -1.813475
BD14 6LA 8 0 53.778957 -1.813008
BD14 6LB 10 0 53.779378 -1.812293
BD14 6LD 7 0 53.779521 -1.811761
BD14 6LE 19 0 53.780052 -1.812426
BD14 6LF 3 0 53.78084 -1.810298
BD14 6LG 3 0 53.779317 -1.81334
BD14 6LH 13 0 53.779624 -1.811187
BD14 6LJ 30 0 53.781752 -1.813041
BD14 6LL 38 0 53.780508 -1.811059
BD14 6LN 24 0 53.780904 -1.81089
BD14 6LP 16 0 53.781265 -1.811784
BD14 6LQ 36 0 53.779445 -1.811157
BD14 6LR 44 0 53.781836 -1.809247
BD14 6LS 42 1 53.780766 -1.809418