all postcodes in BD17 / SHIPLEY

find any address or company within the BD17 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD17 5QH 22 0 53.844649 -1.771451
BD17 5QJ 4 0 53.845191 -1.772847
BD17 5QL 28 0 53.843776 -1.772538
BD17 5QN 12 0 53.84079 -1.774481
BD17 5QP 6 0 53.842854 -1.772388
BD17 5QQ 10 0 53.845567 -1.772024
BD17 5QS 3 0 53.842876 -1.769728
BD17 5QT 57 0 53.84139 -1.773141
BD17 5QU 14 0 53.841206 -1.775528
BD17 5QW 6 0 53.840808 -1.774147
BD17 5QX 69 0 53.840904 -1.772687
BD17 5QY 20 0 53.840812 -1.771685
BD17 5RH 9 1 53.842237 -1.79417
BD17 5RL 25 0 53.841976 -1.79405
BD17 5RN 14 0 53.841419 -1.794113
BD17 5RP 24 0 53.84232 -1.79575
BD17 5RR 23 0 53.841728 -1.796118
BD17 5RS 24 0 53.842314 -1.797483
BD17 5RT 23 0 53.841713 -1.79779
BD17 5RU 26 0 53.841867 -1.798822