all postcodes in BD17 / SHIPLEY

find any address or company within the BD17 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD17 6LH 30 0 53.855982 -1.765947
BD17 6LJ 25 0 53.857231 -1.765818
BD17 6LL 27 0 53.857662 -1.765998
BD17 6LN 3 0 53.855607 -1.767515
BD17 6LQ 34 0 53.856397 -1.767131
BD17 6LR 3 3 53.853322 -1.7666
BD17 6LW 11 1 53.855914 -1.768
BD17 6LX 4 4 53.853339 -1.765658
BD17 6LY 40 0 53.853966 -1.764712
BD17 6LZ 16 0 53.853301 -1.764883
BD17 6NA 9 0 53.853696 -1.764698
BD17 6NB 14 0 53.85339 -1.764487
BD17 6ND 9 3 53.853228 -1.764062
BD17 6NE 7 0 53.852679 -1.763944
BD17 6NG 2 2 53.85365 -1.765629
BD17 6NH 28 1 53.850086 -1.766375
BD17 6NJ 16 0 53.849358 -1.76606
BD17 6NL 14 0 53.850235 -1.764018
BD17 6NN 8 0 53.85083 -1.765216
BD17 6NP 9 0 53.850897 -1.762844