all postcodes in BD20 / KEIGHLEY

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Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD20 5RD 1 0 53.893297 -1.863412
BD20 5RE 36 1 53.884487 -1.87012
BD20 5RF 52 0 53.87468 -1.868888
BD20 5RN 29 0 53.87447 -1.865527
BD20 5RG 18 0 53.873356 -1.866078
BD20 5RH 1 1 53.884967 -1.88276
BD20 5RJ 19 0 53.87396 -1.867612
BD20 5RL 6 0 53.892947 -1.905976
BD20 5RP 19 2 53.868612 -1.85268
BD20 5RQ 6 0 53.884269 -1.868447
BD20 5RR 14 0 53.870707 -1.853388
BD20 5RS 29 0 53.871329 -1.854374
BD20 5RT 9 0 53.870296 -1.854743
BD20 5RU 10 0 53.873382 -1.853503
BD20 5RW 15 0 53.874615 -1.867047
BD20 5RX 9 0 53.873216 -1.854535
BD20 5RY 5 0 53.87304 -1.85744
BD20 5RZ 7 0 53.871435 -1.853218
BD20 5SB 13 1 53.875762 -1.863728
BD20 5SE 23 1 53.875266 -1.854847