all postcodes in BD21 / KEIGHLEY

find any address or company within the BD21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD21 4JU 4 4 53.87045 -1.890557
BD21 4JX 3 3 53.871342 -1.893034
BD21 4LA 6 5 53.870273 -1.893097
BD21 4LG 7 6 53.870373 -1.895013
BD21 4LH 3 0 53.864142 -1.902692
BD21 4LP 5 0 53.87034 -1.88744
BD21 4LR 5 0 53.870339 -1.88709
BD21 4LS 6 0 53.87038 -1.886424
BD21 4LT 3 0 53.867 -1.873215
BD21 4LU 1 1 53.867484 -1.871982
BD21 4LW 14 5 53.870695 -1.886985
BD21 4LZ 11 10 53.868979 -1.883702
BD21 4NA 5 1 53.867731 -1.885607
BD21 4ND 7 0 53.868151 -1.882807
BD21 4NE 2 0 53.867376 -1.884653
BD21 4NF 4 0 53.867668 -1.885166
BD21 4NG 3 1 53.86838 -1.887065
BD21 4NH 1 1 53.867886 -1.887172
BD21 4NJ 16 0 53.867616 -1.887462
BD21 4NL 6 0 53.867553 -1.887097