all postcodes in BD21 / KEIGHLEY

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Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD21 4FD 5 0 53.858353 -1.89036
BD21 4LD 1 0 53.869985 -1.892505
BD21 4LE 1 1 53.870011 -1.892277
BD21 4DG 5 53.877703 -1.900349
BD21 4LB 1 53.869951 -1.894984
BD21 4NS 2 53.870194 -1.895166
BD21 4HQ 0 53.868176 -1.900691
BD21 4BT 1 1 53.876384 -1.903212
BD21 4LJ 1 53.868961 -1.888115
BD21 4NY 5 2 53.870541 -1.891545
BD21 4BA 4 3 53.870238 -1.893751
BD21 4AF 5 3 53.876861 -1.897251
BD21 4AQ 4 2 53.868341 -1.893497
BD21 5LJ 1 1 53.860185 -1.910638
BD21 5AD 5 2 53.865078 -1.908396
BD21 5AE 3 3 53.864398 -1.907238
BD21 5AG 1 1 53.86579 -1.905958
BD21 5JP 12 8 53.862735 -1.907926
BD21 5AJ 4 4 53.865112 -1.905674
BD21 5AL 1 1 53.864028 -1.906372