all postcodes in BD21 / KEIGHLEY

find any address or company within the BD21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD21 5EH 19 2 53.852361 -1.917115
BD21 5EJ 7 0 53.852038 -1.91742
BD21 5EL 5 0 53.851921 -1.917664
BD21 5EN 12 0 53.851786 -1.91774
BD21 5EP 3 1 53.851553 -1.917755
BD21 5ER 7 0 53.85167 -1.918044
BD21 5ES 20 0 53.851238 -1.917194
BD21 5ET 30 2 53.849306 -1.917957
BD21 5EU 46 0 53.849954 -1.919081
BD21 5EW 14 0 53.851813 -1.917892
BD21 5EX 8 0 53.850393 -1.918305
BD21 5EY 4 0 53.849881 -1.918686
BD21 5EZ 5 0 53.850178 -1.918199
BD21 5HA 5 0 53.849638 -1.917212
BD21 5HB 3 0 53.849306 -1.917957
BD21 5HF 3 0 53.847662 -1.918903
BD21 5HH 26 0 53.848336 -1.919373
BD21 5HJ 9 0 53.848129 -1.918522
BD21 5HL 24 1 53.845758 -1.921369
BD21 5HN 3 0 53.846035 -1.919651