all postcodes in BD21 / KEIGHLEY

find any address or company within the BD21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD21 5PJ 13 0 53.858157 -1.903877
BD21 5PL 11 0 53.858804 -1.903708
BD21 5PQ 9 0 53.867029 -1.904571
BD21 5PS 2 0 53.832196 -1.929739
BD21 5PT 4 1 53.829991 -1.923923
BD21 5PU 13 1 53.826597 -1.923729
BD21 5PW 14 0 53.86728 -1.904388
BD21 5PX 4 0 53.822811 -1.920136
BD21 5PY 2 0 53.82825 -1.929016
BD21 5PZ 3 0 53.828704 -1.929377
BD21 5QB 2 0 53.834065 -1.915209
BD21 5QD 1 0 53.832514 -1.914769
BD21 5QE 7 1 53.836891 -1.920705
BD21 5QF 92 79 53.839849 -1.916228
BD21 5QG 3 1 53.84498 -1.907421
BD21 5QH 39 0 53.847926 -1.911424
BD21 5QJ 3 0 53.849679 -1.911466
BD21 5QL 1 0 53.847091 -1.912308
BD21 5QN 21 0 53.844165 -1.919016
BD21 5QP 1 1 53.843667 -1.901433