all postcodes in BD2 / BRADFORD

find any address or company within the BD2 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD2 1PN 33 1 53.82871 -1.747077
BD2 1PP 26 0 53.828399 -1.748948
BD2 1PQ 28 0 53.827731 -1.747478
BD2 1PR 4 0 53.827502 -1.74947
BD2 1PS 12 0 53.827513 -1.750852
BD2 1PT 45 5 53.826402 -1.747957
BD2 1PU 28 0 53.826878 -1.747939
BD2 1PX 57 0 53.82595 -1.746927
BD2 1PY 2 0 53.825028 -1.745752
BD2 1PZ 18 1 53.824822 -1.744655
BD2 1QA 17 0 53.823645 -1.745027
BD2 1QB 34 0 53.824118 -1.747454
BD2 1QD 36 0 53.823794 -1.747487
BD2 1QE 34 0 53.823306 -1.746198
BD2 1QF 16 0 53.823242 -1.745591
BD2 1QG 1 1 53.822997 -1.744408
BD2 1QJ 2 2 53.812109 -1.76173
BD2 1QL 1 1 53.810574 -1.760854
BD2 1QN 22 20 53.81221 -1.761133
BD2 1QQ 75 0 53.822238 -1.746721