all postcodes in BD3 / BRADFORD

find any address or company within the BD3 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD3 8JD 57 0 53.799047 -1.713931
BD3 8JE 61 0 53.797966 -1.712936
BD3 8JF 10 3 53.799766 -1.713987
BD3 8JJ 39 1 53.798404 -1.711961
BD3 8JQ 41 0 53.79932 -1.71287
BD3 8JR 2 0 53.79962 -1.710545
BD3 8JS 6 1 53.800272 -1.711387
BD3 8JT 14 1 53.799762 -1.711967
BD3 8JX 28 2 53.799833 -1.715504
BD3 8JY 12 0 53.79973 -1.717448
BD3 8LE 4 1 53.794804 -1.713762
BD3 8LF 13 11 53.794535 -1.714967
BD3 8LG 15 10 53.793893 -1.716197
BD3 8LH 11 1 53.793558 -1.714985
BD3 8LJ 7 5 53.793126 -1.718388
BD3 8LN 17 0 53.793053 -1.717903
BD3 8LP 24 4 53.794276 -1.71457
BD3 8LS 1 1 53.792841 -1.715901
BD3 8LU 12 2 53.794463 -1.713704
BD3 8LW 2 2 53.793086 -1.716855