all postcodes in BD3 / BRADFORD

find any address or company within the BD3 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD3 0LR 1 53.804949 -1.744229
BD3 0LT 1 53.805564 -1.746078
BD3 0LW 2 53.805766 -1.739729
BD3 0LY 0 53.806576 -1.748532
BD3 0LZ 1 53.807189 -1.749545
BD3 0NA 0 53.806461 -1.749474
BD3 0NB 0 53.805626 -1.749767
BD3 0ND 2 53.806345 -1.749869
BD3 0NF 0 53.80887 -1.749429
BD3 0NG 0 53.808646 -1.750159
BD3 0NQ 0 53.809624 -1.749425
BD3 0NW 2 53.803595 -1.750174
BD3 0PE 0 53.808575 -1.737981
BD3 0PF 0 53.80799 -1.737544
BD3 0PH 0 53.803086 -1.734811
BD3 0PJ 0 53.803227 -1.73355
BD3 0PL 0 53.803836 -1.732574
BD3 0PN 0 53.803285 -1.731591
BD3 0PP 0 53.802613 -1.732172
BD3 0PR 0 53.802688 -1.733584