all postcodes in BD4 / BRADFORD

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Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD4 7NP 7 3 53.785905 -1.736847
BD4 7NQ 1 0 53.786292 -1.737118
BD4 7NW 1 1 53.784604 -1.733547
BD4 7PE 5 2 53.787882 -1.740887
BD4 7PG 12 7 53.788722 -1.739671
BD4 7PN 16 12 53.789133 -1.742765
BD4 7PP 6 0 53.779949 -1.729873
BD4 7PQ 11 9 53.789595 -1.743123
BD4 7PR 7 1 53.779734 -1.730133
BD4 7PS 26 1 53.779524 -1.728981
BD4 7PT 13 1 53.778905 -1.729212
BD4 7PU 4 1 53.778697 -1.728789
BD4 7PW 4 4 53.789768 -1.744412
BD4 7PZ 1 0 53.778255 -1.728109
BD4 7QA 2 2 53.777985 -1.727822
BD4 7QE 6 0 53.776161 -1.728137
BD4 7QH 6 0 53.776647 -1.728423
BD4 7QJ 3 1 53.776964 -1.729483
BD4 7QN 6 0 53.777295 -1.728767
BD4 7QP 45 1 53.778729 -1.731004