all postcodes in BD6 / BRADFORD

find any address or company within the BD6 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD6 3EP 23 0 53.768365 -1.789206
BD6 3EQ 17 0 53.767783 -1.790605
BD6 3ER 36 0 53.768057 -1.787827
BD6 3ES 5 0 53.768408 -1.787916
BD6 3ET 22 8 53.768459 -1.788086
BD6 3EU 25 6 53.768622 -1.786899
BD6 3EW 19 9 53.768713 -1.803723
BD6 3EX 4 0 53.768932 -1.78646
BD6 3EY 8 0 53.767848 -1.783325
BD6 3EZ 24 2 53.768374 -1.783896
BD6 3HA 6 0 53.76749 -1.782505
BD6 3HB 13 2 53.767723 -1.782003
BD6 3HD 4 0 53.770392 -1.783312
BD6 3HH 9 1 53.768927 -1.781739
BD6 3HJ 23 1 53.769569 -1.783844
BD6 3HL 8 0 53.768732 -1.783227
BD6 3HN 9 0 53.769255 -1.783952
BD6 3HS 10 10 53.769599 -1.785331
BD6 3HT 14 0 53.770099 -1.783523
BD6 3HU 41 6 53.771378 -1.785459