all postcodes in BD8 / BRADFORD

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Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD8 8HU 2 0 53.801066 -1.767805
BD8 8HX 14 0 53.800584 -1.767941
BD8 8HY 14 1 53.80051 -1.766893
BD8 8HZ 1 0 53.80189 -1.769391
BD8 8JA 5 0 53.800175 -1.765863
BD8 8JB 14 0 53.800391 -1.765983
BD8 8JD 12 1 53.79967 -1.764772
BD8 8JF 24 0 53.799754 -1.76626
BD8 8JL 2 2 53.800648 -1.770327
BD8 8JP 2 1 53.798591 -1.771037
BD8 8JR 3 1 53.797971 -1.769504
BD8 8JS 13 0 53.798763 -1.769651
BD8 8JT 14 1 53.798364 -1.769535
BD8 8JU 1 0 53.797613 -1.770234
BD8 8JW 2 1 53.798797 -1.770428
BD8 8AG 1 0 53.798983 -1.772033
BD8 8JY 8 8 53.798638 -1.771963
BD8 8LD 6 3 53.798719 -1.775329
BD8 8LE 12 0 53.798529 -1.774298
BD8 8LG 1 1 53.796626 -1.775675