all postcodes in BD8 / BRADFORD

find any address or company within the BD8 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD8 8NR 27 0 53.802575 -1.775218
BD8 8NS 14 0 53.802961 -1.7752
BD8 8NT 3 0 53.801715 -1.776558
BD8 8NU 57 0 53.802802 -1.776416
BD8 8NW 36 0 53.801863 -1.774341
BD8 8NX 41 1 53.802776 -1.776978
BD8 8PA 11 0 53.802136 -1.775797
BD8 8PE 21 0 53.80112 -1.775544
BD8 8PD 3 1 53.80128 -1.774875
BD8 8PF 23 0 53.800975 -1.775348
BD8 8PG 8 0 53.800355 -1.775214
BD8 8PH 14 0 53.800372 -1.774425
BD8 8PJ 4 0 53.800056 -1.773758
BD8 8PL 12 0 53.79967 -1.774337
BD8 8PN 42 0 53.799555 -1.775036
BD8 8PP 31 0 53.798799 -1.774448
BD8 8PR 5 0 53.798519 -1.773979
BD8 8PS 12 0 53.800003 -1.774412
BD8 8PT 29 0 53.800666 -1.773527
BD8 8PU 7 0 53.801044 -1.773571