all postcodes in BD8 / BRADFORD

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Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD8 9JL 2 1 53.803888 -1.782047
BD8 9JN 28 0 53.804047 -1.784138
BD8 9JP 9 0 53.804615 -1.78497
BD8 9JQ 39 1 53.805346 -1.786257
BD8 9JR 20 0 53.804855 -1.783511
BD8 9JS 26 0 53.804648 -1.783133
BD8 9JT 35 2 53.804002 -1.783683
BD8 9JU 37 0 53.803056 -1.782777
BD8 9JW 31 0 53.805263 -1.78524
BD8 9JX 48 0 53.801951 -1.782722
BD8 9LB 1 1 53.801111 -1.785535
BD8 9LH 61 0 53.804854 -1.7879
BD8 9LJ 46 0 53.805294 -1.787639
BD8 9LL 15 0 53.803792 -1.786842
BD8 9LN 25 1 53.802722 -1.786969
BD8 9LP 36 0 53.802685 -1.786331
BD8 9LR 1 0 53.800589 -1.785477
BD8 9LS 12 0 53.800608 -1.786038
BD8 9LT 3 1 53.800105 -1.785874
BD8 9LX 1 0 53.800643 -1.785127