all postcodes in BD8 / BRADFORD

find any address or company within the BD8 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD8 9PE 33 0 53.801384 -1.787462
BD8 9PF 12 0 53.801816 -1.788021
BD8 9PG 27 0 53.802356 -1.788307
BD8 9PJ 27 0 53.80476 -1.790664
BD8 9PL 24 0 53.804889 -1.792303
BD8 9PN 32 0 53.803802 -1.792885
BD8 9PP 33 0 53.80371 -1.791823
BD8 9PQ 6 0 53.801925 -1.788673
BD8 9PR 32 0 53.802644 -1.793529
BD8 9PS 17 0 53.80314 -1.794513
BD8 9PT 36 0 53.80347 -1.793221
BD8 9PU 14 0 53.802005 -1.793046
BD8 9PW 5 0 53.804801 -1.793503
BD8 9PX 16 0 53.802174 -1.792271
BD8 9PY 10 0 53.803161 -1.791188
BD8 9PZ 18 0 53.802219 -1.791982
BD8 9QA 20 0 53.802414 -1.790706
BD8 9QB 41 0 53.803852 -1.790364
BD8 9QD 6 0 53.803051 -1.789989
BD8 9QE 32 0 53.801838 -1.790056