all postcodes in BD8 / BRADFORD

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Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD8 0EN 46 0 53.79285 -1.805857
BD8 0EP 34 0 53.79448 -1.802434
BD8 0EQ 22 0 53.794262 -1.806913
BD8 0ER 12 0 53.793143 -1.803761
BD8 0ES 12 0 53.793715 -1.802134
BD8 0ET 8 0 53.794239 -1.803741
BD8 0EU 28 0 53.794152 -1.805426
BD8 0EW 28 0 53.794005 -1.803469
BD8 0EX 10 0 53.794296 -1.805668
BD8 0EY 15 0 53.79335 -1.809832
BD8 0EZ 15 0 53.792122 -1.811902
BD8 0HH 18 4 53.796125 -1.802609
BD8 0HJ 4 2 53.796856 -1.799265
BD8 0HL 5 0 53.796614 -1.799449
BD8 0HP 20 0 53.796155 -1.799177
BD8 0HR 10 6 53.79417 -1.799779
BD8 0HS 17 0 53.794897 -1.799168
BD8 0HT 57 1 53.79529 -1.803493
BD8 0HU 8 0 53.794881 -1.806212
BD8 0HY 21 0 53.794955 -1.801612